Pearl Encounters
A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Pearl so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!
Pokémon Pearl has 58 different encounter locations with 193 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!
3 Dragon Pokémon encounters
- Dratini - Mt. Coronet
- Dragonair - Mt. Coronet
- Gible - Wayward Cave
5 Fire Pokémon encounters
- Vulpix - Route 209 and Route 214
- Growlithe - Route 201 and Route 202
- Ponyta - Route 206, Route 210, Route 215, Route 214 and Route 211
- Houndoom - Route 215 and Route 214
- Chimchar - Starter
5 Steel Pokémon encounters
- Magnemite - Fuego Ironworks
- Steelix - Iron Island, Snowpoint Temple and Victory Road
- Mawile - Iron Island
- Bronzor - Route 206, Wayward Cave and Mt. Coronet
- Bronzong - Mt. Coronet
6 Ice Pokémon encounters
- Sneasel - Route 216, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront and Snowpoint Temple
- Swinub - Route 217
- Delibird - Route 216
- Snorunt - Route 216, Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront
- Snover - Mt. Coronet, Route 216, Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront
- Abomasnow - Mt. Coronet
7 Ghost Pokémon encounters
- Gastly - The Old Chateau, Route 209 and The Lost Tower
- Haunter - The Old Chateau
- Gengar - The Old Chateau
- Misdreavus - Eterna Forest and The Lost Tower
- Sableye - Iron Island
- Drifloon - Valley Windworks
- Spiritomb - Route 209
8 Rock Pokémon encounters
- Geodude - Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh Mine, Route 207, Ravaged Path, Route 206, Wayward Cave, Mt. Coronet, Route 210, Route 215, Valor Lakefront, Route 214, Ruin Maniac's Tunnel, Iron Island and Route 211
- Graveler - Mt. Coronet, Valor Lakefront, Route 214, Iron Island, Route 216, Snowpoint Temple and Victory Road
- Onix - Oreburgh Mine, Iron Island and Victory Road
- Bonsly - Route 209, Route 210 and Trophy Garden
- Sudowoodo - Route 214 and Route 221
- Nosepass - Route 206 and Mt. Coronet
- Lunatone - Lake Verity and Mt. Coronet
- Solrock - Lake Verity and Mt. Coronet
9 Fighting Pokémon encounters
- Machop - Route 207, Mt. Coronet and Route 208
- Machoke - Mt. Coronet, Route 216, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront and Victory Road
- Tyrogue - Route 208 and Route 211
- Heracross - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Meditite - Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 211, Route 216, Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront
- Medicham - Mt. Coronet, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront and Victory Road
- Riolu - Iron Island
- Croagunk - Great Marsh
- Toxicroak - Great Marsh
9 Dark Pokémon encounters
- Sneasel - Route 216, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront and Snowpoint Temple
- Houndoom - Route 215 and Route 214
- Nuzleaf - Route 210
- Sableye - Iron Island
- Sharpedo - Route 213 and Route 222
- Crawdaunt - Celestic Town
- Absol - Mt. Coronet and Route 213
- Spiritomb - Route 209
- Drapion - Great Marsh
13 Electric Pokémon encounters
- Magnemite - Fuego Ironworks
- Voltorb - Route 218
- Elekid - Route 205 and Valley Windworks
- Chinchou - Route 220
- Lanturn - Route 220
- Mareep - Valley Windworks
- Flaaffy - Route 222
- Electrike - Valley Windworks
- Plusle - Trophy Garden
- Minun - Trophy Garden
- Shinx - Route 202, Route 203, Route 204 and Fuego Ironworks
- Luxio - Fuego Ironworks
- Pachirisu - Route 205, Valley Windworks and Fuego Ironworks
16 Grass Pokémon encounters
- Paras - Great Marsh
- Exeggcute - Great Marsh
- Hoppip - Route 205 and Fuego Ironworks
- Skiploom - Fuego Ironworks
- Lotad - Route 203, Route 204 and Route 212
- Lombre - Route 212
- Seedot - Route 203, Route 204, Eterna Forest and Route 210
- Nuzleaf - Route 210
- Shroomish - Great Marsh
- Budew - Route 204 and Eterna Forest
- Roselia - Great Marsh, Route 212 and Route 221
- Turtwig - Starter
- Cherubi - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Carnivine - Great Marsh
- Snover - Mt. Coronet, Route 216, Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront
- Abomasnow - Mt. Coronet
18 Bug Pokémon encounters
- Caterpie - Route 204
- Metapod - Eterna Forest
- Weedle - Route 204
- Kakuna - Eterna Forest
- Paras - Great Marsh
- Yanma - Great Marsh
- Pineco - Route 203, Route 204, Eterna Forest and Route 210
- Heracross - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Wurmple - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Cascoon - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Dustox - Eterna Forest
- Surskit - Lake Verity
- Nincada - Eterna Forest
- Kricketot - Route 202, Route 203, Route 207, Route 204 and Route 206
- Kricketune - Route 206, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Valor Lakefront and Route 214
- Burmy - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Combee - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Skorupi - Great Marsh
18 Ground Pokémon encounters
- Sandshrew - Wayward Cave
- Geodude - Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh Mine, Route 207, Ravaged Path, Route 206, Wayward Cave, Mt. Coronet, Route 210, Route 215, Valor Lakefront, Route 214, Ruin Maniac's Tunnel, Iron Island and Route 211
- Graveler - Mt. Coronet, Valor Lakefront, Route 214, Iron Island, Route 216, Snowpoint Temple and Victory Road
- Onix - Oreburgh Mine, Iron Island and Victory Road
- Steelix - Iron Island, Snowpoint Temple and Victory Road
- Cubone - Route 203
- Wooper - Route 212
- Quagsire - Route 212
- Gligar - Route 207, Route 206, Route 215 and Route 214
- Swinub - Route 217
- Phanpy - Route 207
- Nincada - Eterna Forest
- Barboach - Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Eterna City, Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 212 and Celestic Town
- Whiscash - Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Eterna City, Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 212 and Celestic Town
- Baltoy - Route 206
- Gastrodon - Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Gible - Wayward Cave
- Hippopotas - Ruin Maniac's Tunnel
21 Flying Pokémon encounters
- Zubat - Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh Mine, Route 207, Route 204, Ravaged Path, Route 206, Wayward Cave, Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 209, The Lost Tower, Route 211, Route 216, Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront
- Golbat - Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Mt. Coronet, The Lost Tower, Snowpoint Temple and Victory Road
- Farfetch’d - Route 221
- Doduo - Route 201
- Gyarados - Twinleaf Town, Lake Verity, Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Route 204, Ravaged Path, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna City, Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 209, Pastoria City, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Celestic Town, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 222, Sunyshore City, Route 223 and Pokémon League
- Hoothoot - Route 211
- Noctowl - Mt. Coronet, Route 216, Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront
- Hoppip - Route 205 and Fuego Ironworks
- Skiploom - Fuego Ironworks
- Yanma - Great Marsh
- Gligar - Route 207, Route 206, Route 215 and Route 214
- Delibird - Route 216
- Mantyke - Sunyshore City and Route 223
- Swellow - Route 213
- Wingull - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Pastoria City, Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island and Route 222
- Pelipper - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Pastoria City, Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 222, Sunyshore City, Route 223 and Pokémon League
- Starly - Route 201, Lake Verity, Route 202, Route 203, Route 204 and Route 209
- Staravia - Lake Verity, Route 209, Great Marsh and Valor Lakefront
- Combee - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Drifloon - Valley Windworks
- Chatot - Eterna City and Route 222
21 Psychic Pokémon encounters
- Abra - Route 203, Oreburgh City and Route 215
- Kadabra - Route 215
- Drowzee - Route 215
- Exeggcute - Great Marsh
- Mime Jr. - undefined
- Unown - Solaceon Ruins
- Wobbuffet - Lake Verity
- Girafarig - Valor Lakefront and Route 214
- Ralts - Route 203 and Route 204
- Kirlia - Route 203 and Route 204
- Meditite - Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 211, Route 216, Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront
- Medicham - Mt. Coronet, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront and Victory Road
- Spoink - Route 214
- Lunatone - Lake Verity and Mt. Coronet
- Solrock - Lake Verity and Mt. Coronet
- Baltoy - Route 206
- Chingling - Mt. Coronet and Route 211
- Bronzor - Route 206, Wayward Cave and Mt. Coronet
- Bronzong - Mt. Coronet
- Uxie - Lake Acuity
- Azelf - Lake Valor
25 Poison Pokémon encounters
- Weedle - Route 204
- Kakuna - Eterna Forest
- Ekans - Route 212
- Nidoran♀ - undefined
- Nidorina - Valor Lakefront and Route 221
- Nidoran♂ - undefined
- Nidorino - Valor Lakefront and Route 221
- Zubat - Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh Mine, Route 207, Route 204, Ravaged Path, Route 206, Wayward Cave, Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 209, The Lost Tower, Route 211, Route 216, Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront
- Golbat - Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Mt. Coronet, The Lost Tower, Snowpoint Temple and Victory Road
- Tentacool - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Pastoria City, Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island and Route 222
- Tentacruel - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Pastoria City, Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 222, Sunyshore City, Route 223 and Pokémon League
- Grimer - Route 212
- Gastly - The Old Chateau, Route 209 and The Lost Tower
- Haunter - The Old Chateau
- Gengar - The Old Chateau
- Qwilfish - Iron Island
- Dustox - Eterna Forest
- Budew - Route 204 and Eterna Forest
- Roselia - Great Marsh, Route 212 and Route 221
- Gulpin - Great Marsh
- Seviper - Route 208
- Skorupi - Great Marsh
- Drapion - Great Marsh
- Croagunk - Great Marsh
- Toxicroak - Great Marsh
41 Normal Pokémon encounters
- Cleffa - Mt. Coronet and Trophy Garden
- Clefairy - Mt. Coronet and Trophy Garden
- Igglybuff - Trophy Garden
- Jigglypuff - Trophy Garden
- Meowth - Trophy Garden
- Farfetch’d - Route 221
- Doduo - Route 201
- Happiny - Trophy Garden
- Chansey - Route 209, Route 210 and Trophy Garden
- Kangaskhan - Great Marsh
- Tauros - Route 209 and Route 210
- Ditto - Route 218
- Eevee - Hearthome City and Trophy Garden
- Porygon - Veilstone City and Trophy Garden
- Munchlax - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Sentret - Route 202
- Hoothoot - Route 211
- Noctowl - Mt. Coronet, Route 216, Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront
- Aipom - Route 207, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Route 206, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210, Route 215, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Girafarig - Valor Lakefront and Route 214
- Dunsparce - Route 208
- Snubbull - Route 209
- Teddiursa - Route 211 and Acuity Lakefront
- Ursaring - Route 216 and Route 217
- Stantler - Route 207
- Miltank - Route 209 and Route 210
- Zigzagoon - Route 202
- Swellow - Route 213
- Slakoth - Eterna Forest
- Skitty - Route 222
- Zangoose - Route 208
- Castform - Trophy Garden
- Starly - Route 201, Lake Verity, Route 202, Route 203, Route 204 and Route 209
- Staravia - Lake Verity, Route 209, Great Marsh and Valor Lakefront
- Bidoof - Route 201, Lake Verity, Route 202, Route 203, Route 204, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Route 208 and Route 211
- Bibarel - Lake Verity, Route 208, Route 209, Route 212 and Valor Lakefront
- Buneary - Eterna Forest
- Glameow - Route 218 and Route 222
- Purugly - Route 222
- Chatot - Eterna City and Route 222
- Regigigas - Snowpoint Temple
43 Water Pokémon encounters
- Psyduck - Twinleaf Town, Lake Verity, Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Route 204, Ravaged Path, Eterna City, Route 208, Route 209, Route 214 and Celestic Town
- Golduck - Twinleaf Town, Lake Verity, Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Route 204, Ravaged Path, Eterna City, Route 208, Route 209, Great Marsh, Route 214 and Celestic Town
- Tentacool - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Pastoria City, Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island and Route 222
- Tentacruel - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Pastoria City, Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 222, Sunyshore City, Route 223 and Pokémon League
- Shellder - Route 205, Valley Windworks and Fuego Ironworks
- Goldeen - Twinleaf Town, Lake Verity, Route 203, Route 204, Route 209 and Route 214
- Seaking - Twinleaf Town, Lake Verity, Route 203, Route 204, Route 209 and Route 214
- Staryu - Canalave City and Sunyshore City
- Magikarp - Twinleaf Town, Lake Verity, Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Route 204, Ravaged Path, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna City, Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 209, Pastoria City, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Celestic Town, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 222, Sunyshore City, Route 223 and Pokémon League
- Gyarados - Twinleaf Town, Lake Verity, Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Route 204, Ravaged Path, Route 205, Valley Windworks, Eterna City, Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 209, Pastoria City, Route 212, Route 213, Route 214, Celestic Town, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 222, Sunyshore City, Route 223 and Pokémon League
- Chinchou - Route 220
- Lanturn - Route 220
- Azurill - Trophy Garden
- Marill - Trophy Garden
- Wooper - Route 212
- Quagsire - Route 212
- Qwilfish - Iron Island
- Remoraid - Pastoria City, Route 213, Route 222, Sunyshore City, Route 223 and Pokémon League
- Octillery - Pastoria City, Route 213, Route 222, Sunyshore City, Route 223 and Pokémon League
- Mantyke - Sunyshore City and Route 223
- Lotad - Route 203, Route 204 and Route 212
- Lombre - Route 212
- Wingull - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Pastoria City, Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island and Route 222
- Pelipper - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Pastoria City, Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 222, Sunyshore City, Route 223 and Pokémon League
- Surskit - Lake Verity
- Sharpedo - Route 213 and Route 222
- Wailmer - Route 223
- Wailord - Route 223
- Barboach - Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Eterna City, Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 212 and Celestic Town
- Whiscash - Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Eterna City, Mt. Coronet, Route 208, Route 212 and Celestic Town
- Corphish - Celestic Town
- Crawdaunt - Celestic Town
- Feebas - Mt. Coronet
- Clamperl - Routes 219 and Route 221
- Luvdisc - Pokémon League
- Piplup - Starter
- Bibarel - Lake Verity, Route 208, Route 209, Route 212 and Valor Lakefront
- Buizel - Route 205, Valley Windworks and Route 213
- Floatzel - Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Shellos - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Route 213, Fuego Ironworks, Route 221 and Route 218
- Gastrodon - Fuego Ironworks, Route 221, Route 218 and Route 222
- Finneon - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City and Iron Island
- Lumineon - Route 205, Valley Windworks, Fuego Ironworks, Routes 219, Route 220, Route 221, Route 218, Canalave City and Iron Island
3Dragon Pokémon DRAGON
5Fire Pokémon FIRE
5Steel Pokémon STEEL
6Ice Pokémon ICE
7Ghost Pokémon GHOST
8Rock Pokémon ROCK
9Fighting Pokémon FIGHTING
9Dark Pokémon DARK
13Electric Pokémon ELECTRIC
16Grass Pokémon GRASS
18Bug Pokémon BUG
18Ground Pokémon GROUND
21Flying Pokémon FLYING
21Psychic Pokémon PSYCHIC
25Poison Pokémon POISON
41Normal Pokémon NORMAL
43Water Pokémon WATER
Pearl Boss Battles
In order to complete a Pearl Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 26 Boss battles throughout the Sinnoh region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.
These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Barry's Starly to Lucian's Bronzong.
8 Gym Leader fights
5 Elite Four fights
5 Rival fights
8 Evil Team fights
Select your starter type
Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Barry might have a fire type to take advantage!
Gym Leader fights
Roark - Oreburgh Gym
Roark has a team of 3, made up of a level 12 geodude, a level 12 onix & a level 14 cranidos. The level cap for this fight is level 14.
Level 12Rock Head
GeodudeROCKGROUNDRock Throw 75 50 +25
ROCKStealth Rock
ROCK300 hp 40 atk 80 def 100 spa 30 spd 30 spe 20Level 12Rock Head
OnixROCKGROUNDRock Throw 75 50 +25
NORMALStealth Rock
ROCK385 hp 35 atk 45 def 160 spa 30 spd 45 spe 70Level 14Mold Breaker
CranidosROCKHeadbutt 70 70
NORMALPursuit 40 40
DARK350 hp 67 atk 125 def 40 spa 30 spd 30 spe 58Gardenia - Eterna Gym
Gardenia has a team of 3, made up of a level 19 cherubi, a level 19 turtwig & a level 22 roserade. The level cap for this fight is level 22.
Level 19Chlorophyll
CherubiGRASSGrass Knot
GRASSLeech Seed
NORMAL275 hp 45 atk 35 def 45 spa 62 spd 53 spe 35Level 19Overgrow
TurtwigGRASSRazor Leaf 83 55 +28
GRASSGrass Knot
PSYCHIC318 hp 55 atk 68 def 64 spa 45 spd 55 spe 31Level 22Natural Cure
RoseradeGRASSPOISONMagical Leaf 90 60 +30
GRASSGrass Knot
GRASSStun Spore
GRASSPoison Sting 23 15 +8
POISON515 hp 60 atk 70 def 65 spa 125 spd 105 spe 90Maylene - Veilstone Gym
Maylene has a team of 3, made up of a level 27 meditite, a level 27 machoke & a level 30 lucario. The level cap for this fight is level 30.
Level 27Pure Power
MedititeFIGHTINGPSYCHICConfusion 75 50 +25
FIGHTINGDrain Punch 113 75 +38
FIGHTING280 hp 30 atk 40 def 55 spa 40 spd 55 spe 60Level 27Guts
MachokeFIGHTINGBrick Break 113 75 +38
NORMALRock Tomb 60 60
ROCK405 hp 80 atk 100 def 70 spa 50 spd 60 spe 45Level 30Steadfast
LucarioFIGHTINGSTEELDrain Punch 113 75 +38
FIGHTINGForce Palm 90 60 +30
FIGHTINGMetal Claw 75 50 +25
STEELBone Rush 25 25
GROUND525 hp 70 atk 110 def 70 spa 115 spd 70 spe 90Crasher Wake - Pastoria Gym
Crasher Wake has a team of 3, made up of a level 27 gyarados, a level 27 quagsire & a level 30 floatzel. The level cap for this fight is level 30.
Level 27Intimidate
GyaradosWATERFLYINGBrine 98 65 +33
WATERDragon Rage
DRAGONBite 60 60
NORMAL540 hp 95 atk 125 def 79 spa 60 spd 100 spe 81Level 27Damp
QuagsireWATERGROUNDMud Bomb 98 65 +33
GROUNDSlam 80 80
NORMAL430 hp 95 atk 85 def 85 spa 65 spd 65 spe 35Level 30Swift Swim
FloatzelWATERBrine 98 65 +33
WATERIce Fang 65 65
ICEPursuit 40 40
DARKSwift 60 60
NORMAL495 hp 85 atk 105 def 55 spa 85 spd 50 spe 115Fantina - Hearthome Gym
Fantina has a team of 3, made up of a level 32 drifblim, a level 34 gengar & a level 36 mismagius. The level cap for this fight is level 36.
Level 32Aftermath
DrifblimGHOSTFLYINGOminous Wind 90 60 +30
GHOSTAstonish 45 30 +15
NORMALGust 60 40 +20
FLYING498 hp 150 atk 80 def 44 spa 90 spd 54 spe 80Level 34Levitate
GengarGHOSTPOISONConfuse Ray
GHOSTShadow Claw 105 70 +35
GHOSTPoison Jab 120 80 +40
GHOST500 hp 60 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 75 spe 110Level 36Levitate
MismagiusGHOSTConfuse Ray
GHOSTShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTPsybeam 65 65
PSYCHICMagical Leaf 60 60
GRASS495 hp 60 atk 60 def 60 spa 105 spd 105 spe 105Byron - Canalave Gym
Byron has a team of 3, made up of a level 36 bronzor, a level 36 steelix & a level 39 bastiodon. The level cap for this fight is level 39.
Level 36Levitate
BronzorSTEELPSYCHICFlash Cannon 120 80 +40
STEELConfuse Ray
GHOSTExtrasensory 120 80 +40
PSYCHIC300 hp 57 atk 24 def 86 spa 24 spd 86 spe 23Level 36Sturdy
STEELDragon Breath 60 60
ROCKIce Fang 65 65
ICE510 hp 75 atk 85 def 200 spa 55 spd 65 spe 30Level 39Sturdy
BastiodonROCKSTEELFlash Cannon 120 80 +40
STEELIron Defense
STEELAncient Power 90 60 +30
PSYCHIC495 hp 60 atk 52 def 168 spa 47 spd 138 spe 30Candice - Snowpoint Gym
Candice has a team of 4, made up of a level 38 snover, a level 38 sneasel, a level 40 medicham & a level 42 abomasnow. The level cap for this fight is level 42.
Level 38Snow Warning
SnoverGRASSICERazor Leaf 83 55 +28
GRASSIce Shard 60 40 +20
NORMAL334 hp 60 atk 62 def 50 spa 62 spd 60 spe 40Level 38Inner Focus
DARKFeint Attack 90 60 +30
DARKAvalanche 90 60 +30
ICESlash 70 70
NORMAL430 hp 55 atk 95 def 55 spa 35 spd 75 spe 115Level 40Pure Power
FIGHTINGForce Palm 90 60 +30
FIGHTINGIce Punch 75 75
ICE410 hp 60 atk 60 def 75 spa 60 spd 75 spe 80Level 42Snow Warning
AbomasnowGRASSICEWood Hammer 180 120 +60
GRASSGrass Whistle
NORMALAvalanche 90 60 +30
ICE494 hp 90 atk 92 def 75 spa 92 spd 85 spe 60Volkner - Sunyshore Gym
Volkner has a team of 4, made up of a level 46 raichu, a level 47 ambipom, a level 47 octillery & a level 49 luxray. The level cap for this fight is level 49.
Level 46Static
RaichuELECTRICCharge Beam 75 50 +25
ELECTRICThunder Wave
ELECTRICLight Screen
PSYCHICBrick Break 75 75
FIGHTING485 hp 60 atk 90 def 55 spa 90 spd 80 spe 110Level 47Technician
AmbipomNORMALBaton Pass
NORMALNasty Plot
PSYCHICShock Wave 60 60
ELECTRIC482 hp 75 atk 100 def 66 spa 60 spd 66 spe 115Level 47Sniper
OctilleryWATEROctazooka 98 65 +33
WATERCharge Beam 50 50
ELECTRICBullet Seed 25 25
GRASSAurora Beam 65 65
ICE480 hp 75 atk 105 def 75 spa 105 spd 75 spe 45Level 49Rivalry
LuxrayELECTRICThunder Fang 98 65 +33
ELECTRICCharge Beam 75 50 +25
ELECTRICThunder Wave
ELECTRICCrunch 80 80
DARK523 hp 80 atk 120 def 79 spa 95 spd 79 spe 70
Elite Four fights
Aaron - Elite Four
Aaron has a team of 5, made up of a level 53 dustox, a level 53 beautifly, a level 54 heracross, a level 54 vespiquen & a level 57 drapion. The level cap for this fight is level 57.
Level 53Shield Dust
DustoxBUGPOISONBug Buzz 135 90 +45
POISONLight Screen
PSYCHICDouble Team
NORMAL385 hp 60 atk 50 def 70 spa 50 spd 90 spe 65Level 53Swarm
BeautiflyBUGFLYINGBug Buzz 135 90 +45
BUGPsychic 90 90
PSYCHICEnergy Ball 90 90
GRASSShadow Ball 80 80
GHOST395 hp 60 atk 70 def 50 spa 100 spd 50 spe 65Level 54Swarm
HeracrossBUGFIGHTINGMegahorn 180 120 +60
BUGClose Combat 180 120 +60
FIGHTINGStone Edge 100 100
ROCKNight Slash 70 70
DARK500 hp 80 atk 125 def 75 spa 40 spd 95 spe 85Level 54Pressure
VespiquenBUGFLYINGAttack Order 135 90 +45
BUGDefend Order
BUGHeal Order
BUGPower Gem 80 80
ROCK474 hp 70 atk 80 def 102 spa 80 spd 102 spe 40Level 57Battle Armor
DrapionPOISONDARKCross Poison 105 70 +35
POISONX-Scissor 80 80
BUGAerial Ace 60 60
FLYINGIce Fang 65 65
ICE500 hp 70 atk 90 def 110 spa 60 spd 75 spe 95Bertha - Elite Four
Bertha has a team of 5, made up of a level 55 quagsire, a level 56 sudowoodo, a level 55 whiscash, a level 56 golem & a level 59 hippowdon. The level cap for this fight is level 59.
Level 55Damp
ROCKDig 120 80 +40
GROUNDDouble Team
NORMAL430 hp 95 atk 85 def 85 spa 65 spd 65 spe 35Level 56Sturdy
SudowoodoROCKSucker Punch 70 70
DARKHammer Arm 100 100
ROCKEarthquake 100 100
GROUND410 hp 70 atk 100 def 115 spa 30 spd 65 spe 30Level 55Oblivious
WhiscashWATERGROUNDRock Slide 75 75
GROUNDZen Headbutt 80 80
PSYCHICAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATER468 hp 110 atk 78 def 73 spa 76 spd 71 spe 60Level 56Rock Head
STEELBrick Break 75 75
FIGHTINGEarthquake 150 100 +50
ROCK495 hp 80 atk 120 def 130 spa 55 spd 65 spe 45Level 59Sand Stream
HippowdonGROUNDEarthquake 150 100 +50
???Stone Edge 100 100
ROCKCrunch 80 80
DARK525 hp 108 atk 112 def 118 spa 68 spd 72 spe 47Flint - Elite Four
Flint has a team of 5, made up of a level 58 rapidash, a level 58 drifblim, a level 57 steelix, a level 57 lopunny & a level 61 infernape. The level cap for this fight is level 61.
Level 58Run Away
RapidashFIRESunny Day
FIREFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIRESolar Beam 120 120
GRASSBounce 85 85
FLYING500 hp 65 atk 100 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 105Level 58Aftermath
DrifblimGHOSTFLYINGDouble Team
NORMALBaton Pass
NORMALOminous Wind 90 60 +30
FIRE498 hp 150 atk 80 def 44 spa 90 spd 54 spe 80Level 57Rock Head
FIREFire Fang 65 65
FIRERock Tomb 60 60
NORMAL510 hp 75 atk 85 def 200 spa 55 spd 65 spe 30Level 57Cute Charm
NORMALMirror Coat
FIREFire Punch 75 75
FIRE480 hp 65 atk 76 def 84 spa 54 spd 96 spe 105Level 61Blaze
InfernapeFIREFIGHTINGFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIREThunder Punch 75 75
ELECTRICEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDMach Punch 60 40 +20
FIGHTING534 hp 76 atk 104 def 71 spa 104 spd 71 spe 108Lucian - Elite Four
Lucian has a team of 5, made up of a level 59 mr-mime, a level 59 girafarig, a level 60 medicham, a level 60 alakazam & a level 63 bronzong. The level cap for this fight is level 63.
Level 59Soundproof
Mr-mimePSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICLight Screen
PSYCHICThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRIC460 hp 40 atk 45 def 65 spa 100 spd 120 spe 90Level 59Inner Focus
GirafarigNORMALPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICDouble Hit 53 35 +18
NORMALShadow Ball 80 80
GHOSTCrunch 80 80
DARK455 hp 70 atk 80 def 65 spa 90 spd 65 spe 85Level 60Pure Power
MedichamFIGHTINGPSYCHICDrain Punch 113 75 +38
FIGHTINGIce Punch 75 75
ICEFire Punch 75 75
FIREThunder Punch 75 75
ELECTRIC410 hp 60 atk 60 def 75 spa 60 spd 75 spe 80Level 60Synchronize
AlakazamPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICFocus Blast 120 120
NORMALEnergy Ball 90 90
GRASS500 hp 55 atk 50 def 45 spa 135 spd 95 spe 120Level 63Levitate
BronzongSTEELPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
STEELCalm Mind
PSYCHICEarthquake 100 100
GROUND500 hp 67 atk 89 def 116 spa 79 spd 116 spe 33Cynthia - Champion
Cynthia has a team of 6, made up of a level 61 spiritomb, a level 60 roserade, a level 64 lucario, a level 60 gastrodon, a level 63 milotic & a level 66 garchomp. The level cap for this fight is level 66.
Level 61Pressure
DARKDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKSilver Wind 60 60
BUGPsychic 90 90
PSYCHIC485 hp 50 atk 92 def 108 spa 92 spd 108 spe 35Level 60Natural Cure
RoseradeGRASSPOISONEnergy Ball 135 90 +45
GRASSSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONShadow Ball 80 80
GHOSTExtrasensory 80 80
PSYCHIC515 hp 60 atk 70 def 65 spa 125 spd 105 spe 90Level 64Steadfast
LucarioFIGHTINGSTEELAura Sphere 120 80 +40
FIGHTINGDragon Pulse 85 85
DRAGONPsychic 90 90
PSYCHICEarthquake 100 100
GROUND525 hp 70 atk 110 def 70 spa 115 spd 70 spe 90Level 60Sticky Hold
GastrodonWATERGROUNDMuddy Water 135 90 +45
WATERSludge Bomb 90 90
POISONStone Edge 100 100
ROCKEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUND475 hp 111 atk 83 def 68 spa 92 spd 82 spe 39Level 63Marvel Scale
MiloticWATERAqua Ring
WATERSurf 135 90 +45
WATERMirror Coat
PSYCHICIce Beam 90 90
ICE540 hp 95 atk 60 def 79 spa 100 spd 125 spe 81Level 66Sand Veil
GarchompDRAGONGROUNDDragon Rush 150 100 +50
DRAGONBrick Break 75 75
FIGHTINGEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDGiga Impact 150 150
NORMAL600 hp 108 atk 130 def 95 spa 80 spd 85 spe 102
Rival fights
Barry - Route 203
Barry has a team of 2, made up of a level 7 starly & a level 9 piplup. The level cap for this fight is level 9.
Level 7Keen Eye
StarlyNORMALFLYINGQuick Attack 60 40 +20
NORMAL245 hp 40 atk 55 def 30 spa 30 spd 30 spe 60Level 9Torrent
PiplupWATERPound 40 40
NORMAL314 hp 53 atk 51 def 53 spa 61 spd 56 spe 40Barry - Hearthome City
Barry has a team of 4, made up of a level 19 starly, a level 20 roselia, a level 20 ponyta & a level 21 prinplup. The level cap for this fight is level 21.
Level 19Keen Eye
NORMALDouble Team
NORMALWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGQuick Attack 60 40 +20
NORMAL245 hp 40 atk 55 def 30 spa 30 spd 30 spe 60Level 20Natural Cure
RoseliaGRASSPOISONPoison Sting 23 15 +8
POISONStun Spore
GRASSMega Drain 60 40 +20
GRASSLeech Seed
GRASS400 hp 50 atk 60 def 45 spa 100 spd 80 spe 65Level 20Run Away
PonytaFIRETackle 40 40
NORMALEmber 60 40 +20
FIRE410 hp 50 atk 85 def 55 spa 65 spd 65 spe 90Level 21Torrent
PrinplupWATERPeck 35 35
FLYINGMetal Claw 50 50
STEELBubble 60 40 +20
NORMAL405 hp 64 atk 66 def 68 spa 81 spd 76 spe 50Barry - Pastoria City
Barry has a team of 4, made up of a level 26 starly, a level 25 roselia, a level 25 ponyta & a level 28 prinplup. The level cap for this fight is level 28.
Level 26Keen Eye
NORMALDouble Team
NORMALWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGQuick Attack 60 40 +20
NORMAL245 hp 40 atk 55 def 30 spa 30 spd 30 spe 60Level 25Natural Cure
RoseliaGRASSPOISONPoison Sting 23 15 +8
POISONToxic Spikes
POISONMega Drain 60 40 +20
GRASSMagical Leaf 90 60 +30
GRASS400 hp 50 atk 60 def 45 spa 100 spd 80 spe 65Level 25Run Away
PonytaFIREStomp 65 65
NORMALEmber 60 40 +20
FIRE410 hp 50 atk 85 def 55 spa 65 spd 65 spe 90Level 28Torrent
PrinplupWATERPeck 35 35
FLYINGMetal Claw 50 50
STEELBubble Beam 98 65 +33
NORMAL405 hp 64 atk 66 def 68 spa 81 spd 76 spe 50Barry - Route 218
Barry has a team of 5, made up of a level 31 staravia, a level 30 heracross, a level 32 roselia, a level 32 ponyta & a level 35 prinplup. The level cap for this fight is level 35.
Level 31Keen Eye
StaraviaNORMALFLYINGAerial Ace 90 60 +30
FLYINGDouble Team
NORMALTake Down 135 90 +45
NORMALQuick Attack 60 40 +20
NORMAL340 hp 55 atk 75 def 50 spa 40 spd 40 spe 80Level 30Swarm
HeracrossBUGFIGHTINGHorn Attack 65 65
NORMALNight Slash 70 70
DARKAerial Ace 60 60
FLYINGBrick Break 113 75 +38
FIGHTING500 hp 80 atk 125 def 75 spa 40 spd 95 spe 85Level 32Natural Cure
RoseliaGRASSPOISONGiga Drain 113 75 +38
GRASSGrass Whistle
GRASSLeech Seed
GRASSToxic Spikes
POISON400 hp 50 atk 60 def 45 spa 100 spd 80 spe 65Level 32Run Away
PonytaFIREStomp 65 65
NORMALTake Down 90 90
NORMALFire Spin 53 35 +18
FIRE410 hp 50 atk 85 def 55 spa 65 spd 65 spe 90Level 35Torrent
PrinplupWATERFury Attack 15 15
NORMALBubble Beam 98 65 +33
WATERMetal Claw 50 50
STEELAerial Ace 60 60
FLYING405 hp 64 atk 66 def 68 spa 81 spd 76 spe 50Barry - Victory Road
Barry has a team of 6, made up of a level 48 staraptor, a level 50 heracross, a level 51 snorlax, a level 49 roserade, a level 49 rapidash & a level 53 empoleon. The level cap for this fight is level 53.
Level 48Keen Eye
StaraptorNORMALFLYINGClose Combat 120 120
FIGHTINGAerial Ace 90 60 +30
FLYINGSteel Wing 70 70
STEELU-turn 70 70
BUG485 hp 85 atk 120 def 70 spa 50 spd 60 spe 100Level 50Swarm
HeracrossBUGFIGHTINGRock Slide 75 75
ROCKClose Combat 180 120 +60
FIGHTINGNight Slash 70 70
DARKAerial Ace 60 60
FLYING500 hp 80 atk 125 def 75 spa 40 spd 95 spe 85Level 51Immunity
PSYCHICCrunch 80 80
DARKEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDBody Slam 128 85 +43
NORMAL540 hp 160 atk 110 def 65 spa 65 spd 110 spe 30Level 49Natural Cure
RoseradeGRASSPOISONGiga Drain 113 75 +38
GRASSGrass Whistle
GRASSPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISONShadow Ball 80 80
GHOST515 hp 60 atk 70 def 65 spa 125 spd 105 spe 90Level 49Run Away
FIRESunny Day
FIREFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREBounce 85 85
FLYING500 hp 65 atk 100 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 105Level 53Torrent
EmpoleonWATERSTEELBrine 98 65 +33
WATERMetal Claw 75 50 +25
STEELAerial Ace 60 60
FLYINGShadow Claw 70 70
GHOST530 hp 84 atk 86 def 88 spa 111 spd 101 spe 60
Evil Team fights
Mars - Valley Windoworks
Mars has a team of 2, made up of a level 14 zubat & a level 16 purugly. The level cap for this fight is level 16.
Level 14Inner Focus
DARKLeech Life 80 80
POISON245 hp 40 atk 45 def 35 spa 30 spd 40 spe 55Level 16Thick Fat
PuruglyNORMALFake Out 60 40 +20
NORMALScratch 60 40 +20
NORMALFeint Attack 60 60
DARK452 hp 71 atk 82 def 64 spa 64 spd 59 spe 112Jupiter - Eterna Building
Jupiter has a team of 2, made up of a level 18 zubat & a level 20 skuntank. The level cap for this fight is level 20.
Level 18Inner Focus
ZubatPOISONFLYINGWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGGiga Drain 75 75
GRASSBite 60 60
DARK245 hp 40 atk 45 def 35 spa 30 spd 40 spe 55Level 20Stench
SkuntankPOISONDARKNight Slash 105 70 +35
DARKPoison Gas
NORMAL479 hp 103 atk 93 def 67 spa 71 spd 61 spe 84Saturn - Valor Cavern
Saturn has a team of 3, made up of a level 35 kadabra, a level 37 toxicroak & a level 35 bronzor. The level cap for this fight is level 37.
Level 35Synchronize
KadabraPSYCHICShock Wave 60 60
NORMALPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC400 hp 40 atk 35 def 30 spa 120 spd 70 spe 105Level 37Anticipation
ToxicroakPOISONFIGHTINGRevenge 90 60 +30
FIGHTINGFeint Attack 60 60
DARKMud Bomb 65 65
GROUNDPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISON490 hp 83 atk 106 def 65 spa 86 spd 65 spe 85Level 35Levitate
BronzorSTEELPSYCHICIron Defense
STEELGyro Ball
STEELRock Tomb 60 60
ROCKShadow Ball 80 80
GHOST300 hp 57 atk 24 def 86 spa 24 spd 86 spe 23Mars - Lake Verity
Mars has a team of 3, made up of a level 37 golbat, a level 37 bronzor & a level 39 purugly. The level cap for this fight is level 39.
Level 37Inner Focus
GolbatPOISONFLYINGAir Cutter 90 60 +30
NORMALBite 60 60
POISON455 hp 75 atk 80 def 70 spa 65 spd 75 spe 90Level 37Levitate
BronzorSTEELPSYCHICIron Defense
STEELGyro Ball
STEELConfuse Ray
GHOSTExtrasensory 120 80 +40
PSYCHIC300 hp 57 atk 24 def 86 spa 24 spd 86 spe 23Level 39Thick Fat
PuruglyNORMALFake Out 60 40 +20
NORMALSlash 105 70 +35
NORMALFeint Attack 60 60
PSYCHIC452 hp 71 atk 82 def 64 spa 64 spd 59 spe 112Cyrus - Galactic HQ
Cyrus has a team of 3, made up of a level 40 murkrow, a level 40 golbat & a level 43 sneasel. The level cap for this fight is level 43.
Level 40Insomnia
MurkrowDARKFLYINGNight Shade
GHOSTAstonish 30 30
DARKDrill Peck 120 80 +40
FLYING405 hp 60 atk 85 def 42 spa 85 spd 42 spe 91Level 40Inner Focus
GolbatPOISONFLYINGAir Cutter 90 60 +30
FLYINGPoison Fang 75 50 +25
NORMALBite 60 60
DARK455 hp 75 atk 80 def 70 spa 65 spd 75 spe 90Level 43Inner Focus
SneaselDARKICEIce Punch 113 75 +38
ICESlash 70 70
NORMALQuick Attack 40 40
NORMAL430 hp 55 atk 95 def 55 spa 35 spd 75 spe 115Saturn - Galactic HQ
Saturn has a team of 3, made up of a level 38 kadabra, a level 40 toxicroak & a level 35 bronzor. The level cap for this fight is level 40.
Level 38Synchronize
KadabraPSYCHICShock Wave 60 60
NORMALPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC400 hp 40 atk 35 def 30 spa 120 spd 70 spe 105Level 40Anticipation
ToxicroakPOISONFIGHTINGBrick Break 113 75 +38
NORMALX-Scissor 80 80
BUGPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISON490 hp 83 atk 106 def 65 spa 86 spd 65 spe 85Level 35Levitate
BronzorSTEELPSYCHICExtrasensory 120 80 +40
STEELConfuse Ray
GHOSTShadow Ball 80 80
GHOST300 hp 57 atk 24 def 86 spa 24 spd 86 spe 23Mars & Jupiter - Spear Pillar
Mars & Jupiter has a team of 6, made up of a level 41 bronzor, a level 42 golbat, a level 45 purugly, a level 41 bronzor, a level 42 golbat & a level 46 skuntank. The level cap for this fight is level 46.
Level 41Levitate
STEELConfuse Ray
GHOSTExtrasensory 120 80 +40
PSYCHICLight Screen
PSYCHIC300 hp 57 atk 24 def 86 spa 24 spd 86 spe 23Level 42Inner Focus
GolbatPOISONFLYINGAir Cutter 90 60 +30
FLYINGConfuse Ray
GHOSTBite 60 60
DARKPoison Fang 75 50 +25
POISON455 hp 75 atk 80 def 70 spa 65 spd 75 spe 90Level 45Thick Fat
PuruglyNORMALShadow Claw 70 70
GHOSTSlash 105 70 +35
NORMALAerial Ace 60 60
PSYCHIC452 hp 71 atk 82 def 64 spa 64 spd 59 spe 112Level 41Levitate
STEELRock Slide 75 75
PSYCHICExtrasensory 120 80 +40
PSYCHIC300 hp 57 atk 24 def 86 spa 24 spd 86 spe 23Level 42Inner Focus
GolbatPOISONFLYINGSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONAir Cutter 90 60 +30
FLYINGGiga Drain 75 75
GRASSMean Look
NORMAL455 hp 75 atk 80 def 70 spa 65 spd 75 spe 90Level 46Stench
SkuntankPOISONDARKPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISONNight Slash 105 70 +35
DARKFlamethrower 90 90
NORMAL479 hp 103 atk 93 def 67 spa 71 spd 61 spe 84Cyrus - Spear Pillar
Cyrus has a team of 4, made up of a level 45 honchkrow, a level 45 gyarados, a level 46 crobat & a level 48 weavile. The level cap for this fight is level 48.
Level 45Insomnia
HonchkrowDARKFLYINGDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKDrill Peck 120 80 +40
FLYINGSteel Wing 70 70
STEEL505 hp 100 atk 125 def 52 spa 105 spd 52 spe 71Level 45Intimidate
GyaradosWATERFLYINGAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATERGiga Impact 150 150
NORMALEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDIce Fang 65 65
ICE540 hp 95 atk 125 def 79 spa 60 spd 100 spe 81Level 46Inner Focus
CrobatPOISONFLYINGAir Slash 113 75 +38
FLYINGCross Poison 105 70 +35
POISONConfuse Ray
GHOSTBite 60 60
DARK535 hp 85 atk 90 def 80 spa 70 spd 80 spe 130Level 48Pressure
WeavileDARKICENight Slash 105 70 +35
DARKIce Punch 113 75 +38
ICEBrick Break 75 75
FIGHTINGX-Scissor 80 80
BUG510 hp 70 atk 120 def 65 spa 45 spd 85 spe 125